Cannes Lions

Apocalypse Steve Hansen

Y&R ANZ, Auckland / ARNOTT'S / 2018

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Case Film
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Casting New Zealand’s most loved coach and least likely movie star as our hero allowed us to redefine the sport endorsement category for New Zealand. For the first time in recent memory an All Black endorsement captured the imagination of the nation.

Tapping into the rising end of days’ trend, the campaign introduced New Zealand 

to an absurd fictional tale: the nation had taken biscuits for granted, triggering a catastrophic apocalypse. 

The primary execution was a film titled: ‘Apocalypse Steve Hansen, don’t lose your biscuit’.

Everything else built attention and scale for the film, with each touch point designed to replicate a huge movie release: television ads became trailers, consumer promotions became casting calls and outdoor became movie posters. Each execution encouraged customers to participate in the campaign, and directed them towards the biscuit aisle.


On the 13th of August 2017 2 x 60 second film trailers aired on TV, in Cinema and on YouTube offering two theories as to how the apocalypse may have begun; both focused on missing biscuits as the cause.

“Movie posters” emerged on billboards, buses, mall doors and cinema nationwide.

On the 3rd of September 2017 our heroes launched a rallying cry for Kiwis to play their “part” in the film, subverting typical consumer promotions associated with the All Blacks.

To maintain momentum, we ran dynamic countdown banners across the hottest entertainment sites, while an extended trailer ran across national television.

With all this momentum in place, on 9th of November 2017 the film hit 1,5000 cinema screens across the country as a special feature.

Finally, we released the film on YouTube, where it premiered as top content – showing the country how Arnott’s biscuits had saved the world.


Arnott’s total portfolio sales lifted +8.6%

- Based on YOY comparison sales during 13-week campaign period YOY (removing price promotion)

Featured products, ‘Shapes’ and ‘Tim Tams’ increased significantly

- Shapes sales up +33% YOY vs. total savory category +5.4%

- Tim Tams sales up +10% YOY vs. total chocolate category +0%

Response rate

Total shopper entries: 1664

Total number of auditions: 430

Film views: Over 6.6 million

Impressions + consumer awareness

-          Total 18.4million earned media impressions

-          Over 1,500 screenings of the short film in cinema

-          Over 6.6 million views of our film content (1.4x NZ population)

‘Never, ever lose your biscuit’ became the catchphrase of 2017, with All Blacks quoting it in press conferences, news anchors dropping it into features.

Change in behavior

Once the campaign message of ‘Never, ever lose your biscuit’ sunk in, Arnott’s biscuits were reinstated as a staple in the weekly shopping basket. Regular purchase (weekly) percentage increased 9.6%

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2013, ARNOTT'S

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