Cannes Lions


PAGÉS BBDO, Santo Domingo / TRICOM / 2010

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We placed our ad in movie theaters, using the beginning of the movie people were about to see. When the production house intro began to appear the animation froze for short time intervals then resumed. This action was repeated a couple of times, creating the same sensation people experience when they’re watching a streaming video on a slow Internet connection. After a while, a cursor appeared minimizing the windows and a Youtube style screen appeared with the title of the movie they were about to see. This window was also minimized to reveal a computer desktop where a new Internet connection was searched. The person wrote Tricom’s Broadband Internet and chose it. After the connection was set up, the cursor went back to the movie window, refreshed the page and the movie uploaded instantly. After, it clicked on play, went to full screen and the real movie started once and for all, giving the sensation that it was being streamed on a high-speed internet connection.


When the production house intro appeared the animation froze several times, like it was being watched on a slow Internet connection. After, a cursor appeared and minimised the window revealing a Youtube style screen with the title of the movie they were about to see. This window was minimised to a computer desktop where Tricom's Broadband Internet was searched. After connecting, the cursor went back to the movie and it uploaded instantly. The cursor clicked on play and the real movie finally started without interruptions, making it seem like it was being streamed on a fast connection. This left people wondering about what they had just witnessed and created a buzz inside movie theaters and Twitter. At the end of the movie, people were handed flyers that explained Tricom's new speed. These flyers also served as coupons for free installation.


Our action created immediate buzz in Twitter and other social networks, creating word of mouth that the movie theaters were using the Internet to show their movies and by default it was Tricom's connection being used. We gave out flyers at the end of each movie promoting Tricom's Internet, which could be used as coupons to install the service. Many people approached us, making Tricom's Internet division grow by 36% during 2009.

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