Cannes Lions


McCANN SPAIN, Madrid / FREDA / 2022


1 Silver Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Case Film






Transgender and non-binary people have been excluded by the period care industry and society. The Lancet* suggests a prevalence of 0.3%-0.5% of transgender in the general population — 23.4 M and 39 M of the world population, roughly 60% of them trans men (approximately 16 M).

These trans men are discriminated against, facing a biased conception of what it means to be a person who bleeds. The gender representation codes and the lack of inclusivity in the period care category make trans men and non-binary people relive the trauma of the transition every time they have their period, causing them gender dysphoria.

The objective was to create a product that includes trans men and non-binary people needs and to make them feel safe when talking about period care and buying the products they need.


The idea was to create, with trans and non-binary influencers, a disruptive new product designed to address the lack of inclusivity in the period care category, sparking a meaningful conversation around an issue that has been a taboo for years.

We found the perfect partner. Freda, a company that fights period inequity, believes that access to period care is a basic human right.


Freda’s differentiation strategy is to fight period inequity.

New Freda research** revealed that half of adults who have ever menstruated admit having experienced a lack of period inclusivity. This result drastically increases amongst trans men and non-binary people.

The period care industry has always been highly gendered and exclusively focused on women, making trans men and non-binary people feel shame, fear and question their identity every time they buy period products.

With Cycle we wanted to break with the category conventions and launch a product that opposed assumptions about periods.

1. Reframe the societal narrative around periods - women are not the only gender to need access to period care

2. Create positive impact on the acceptance and well-being of the transgender and non-binary community.

3. Spark meaningful conversation about the importance of period inclusivity and by extension of period inequity in for all walks of life.


With Cycle we crafted hand in hand with trans and non-binary influencers a new product range and a radically new product experience. For the naming, we used something simple, without connotations, beyond the health and biological symbols of menstruation. The logo, a perfect circle cut by a line, symbolizes the break with the conventions around period.

The packaging is minimalistic and gender-neutral, eschewing category tropes of feminine messaging and imagery. On the back of each pack there is a quote from the trans and non-binary community about period inclusivity and personal experiences.

We produced a video series in which our ambassadors Kenny Ethan Jones, Jamie Raines and Siufung Law recounted stories of what a neutral product like Cycle means to them.


Freda’s sales, and donations, have increased 37% while receiving widespread acclaim from the LGBTQI+ community and beyond. E-commerce grew 60% with orders from 95 countries, including countries like Iran and Iraq where homosexuality is prosecuted.

The campaign achieved an organic reach of 135 million and was covered by major titles like Glamour, Forbes, NBC, Metro, Trend Hunter, Refinery 29, Metro and more. With 0€ media investment the launch video amassed +150,000 views on Instagram and mentions on Twitter increased +933%. Our Instagram profile reached and engagement of +76% and our Facebook page reached +83%. All with a 98% positive sentiment.

Major companies like Sky, Treatwell, Hilton, English and Welsh Cricket Federations, the English National Opera, Amazon etc. are offering free Cycle products for their customers and employees.

Schools in the UK, like the prestigious Fortismere, are introducing the Cycle campaign in their curricula.

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