Dubai Lynx

Joint COVID-19 Airline Safety Demonstration


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Safety demonstrations are the most common PSAs onboard all airlines. Staying home and safe and maintaining hygiene was the 'safety' message of the time. A show of national unity was achieved by getting all airlines in KSA to cooperate to get the same message across.

COVID-19 was a situation never experienced or imagined before. There was a drive for a national message to be sent across. This was a human mission not a brand one.

The objective was to amplify the national message of stay home, stay safe and maintain good hygiene yet do it in a way is relevant to the brand. The added challenge was that the brand/aviation was grounded at the time.

So how could we achieve PSA message, display national unity, and maintain brand/sector relevance while the sector was not even operating?


Safety demonstrations are the most common PSAs onboard all airlines. Staying home and safe and maintaining hygiene was the 'safety' message of the time. A show of national unity was achieved by getting all airlines in KSA to cooperate to get the same message across.

A simple demonstration film, featuring cabin of SAUDIA, flynas, flyadeal and Saudi Gulf airlines where we see those crew in their homes demonstrating the safety instructions described by the Saudi Ministry of Health.


The aviation industry was one of the first and hardest hit. Yet its voice reaches millions and a very commonly known platform already exists for safety messages: the safety demonstration before take-off.

The key message was to promote staying safe, at home and maintaining good personal hygiene as a common national message (demonstrated by all four airlines working together on an initiative).

1 crew member from each airline participated virtually to develop one common film with all four brands visible. They were released simultaneously on each airline's social media channels with everyone's headers also changing to reflect the unity.


The film was released on all four airlines' official social media channels on March 30, 2020 simultaneously (layering national unity even further). In addition, all airline replaced their cover pages with common visual identity representing this joint film/message.


This was a PSA message with no intention on measurable behaviour or business impact.

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