
Ligue 1 Symphony

MARCEL, Paris / PRIME / 2023


1 Bronze Eurobest
3 Shortlisted Eurobest
Case Film
Digital Proof JPG
Supporting Content






In 2021, Prime became the official broadcaster of the Ligue 1 in France. French football fans were initially skeptical of Prime's legitimacy and expertise as the official broadcaster of French football.

After the first year, Prime demonstrated its expertise in broadcasting quality, but to fully win over French football fans, Prime aimed to celebrate French football while remaining true to the values and ambitions of Prime.


Football is often referred to as "the beautiful game," and it can be compared to a symphony, with coaches acting as orchestra conductors guiding their "artists" - the players. Prime brought this metaphor to life with the Ligue 1 Symphony.

In football matches, the show is not just on the field. It is also on the sidelines where coaches make all kinds of gestures to give instructions to the players. Coaches’ direct players much like music conductors do with their musicians. Therefore, to create this special anthem, Prime had the idea to turn the league coaches into music conductors.


To truly captivate the hearts of fans, Prime needed to create something unique, vibrant, and grandiose that would capture the intensity and emotion of the Ligue 1, and leaving a lasting trademark.

Creating an anthem is an excellent way to rally fans, as seen in major sporting events like the UEFA Champions League or NFL. This inspired us to create a unique and memorable anthem for the Ligue 1. But in order to truly stand out, we needed to make it very special.


The Ligue 1 Symphony was launched live on Prime just before the 'French Classico,' the most-watched game in France between old rivals Marseille and Paris. It was also broadcast on other sports broadcasters during half-time breaks of the Champions League matches.

To directly engage with fans, the Ligue 1 Symphony is played on jumbo screens in the Ligue 1 stadiums before each game.

As an anthem is, above all, a piece of music, the Ligue 1 Symphony was also made available for streaming on Amazon Music.


The Ligue 1 Symphony was watched on TV by over 5 million viewers and performed in stadiums in front of more than 350,000 spectators. It became the most-streamed sports song on the Amazon Music platform in France. The Ligue 1 Symphony was covered in 54 non-paid articles, reaching a total audience of 253 million viewers. Notably, it was featured in an article in L'Equipe, the largest sports newspaper in France.

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