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Muoto is a new industrial-scale moulding technology, with the potential to challenge the world's plastic problem. Renewable and recyclable packaging made of wood fibre from Finnish forests can replace plastic packaging in an endless number of applications. Our task was to create a visual identity that represents the raw material that comes from coniferous trees and the novel technology that enables the three dimensional moulding of wood pulp. A simple approach with a robust, industrial scale felt like a natural starting point for reflecting the characteristics of these everyday bulk products.

The brief was to create a name and visual identity for this new brand that would fit the companies connection to the forest combined with their bold mission to develop this new wood pulp-molding technology. All with the aim to use bio-based renewables to replace the problem of plastics and polluting packaging.


We felt that a disciplined yet uncomplicated approach with a no-nonsense attitude would best match the utilitarian, bulk products the company would manufacture. The natural colour palette of soft greys and soil green suggest its sustainable objectives while the innovative technology required a bold contrast in colour and scale. The logo embodies the technology, from tree to product.

With the B2B buyer target group in mind the identity had to both appeal on a human level with a strong purpose and sustainability tonality, while also having a simple and bold treatment that would make sense to organisations looking to utlize Muoto products or use this technology in the future.


We felt that a disciplined yet uncomplicated approach with a no-nonsense attitude would best match the utilitarian, bulk products the company would manufacture. The natural colour palette of soft greys and soil green suggest its sustainable objectives while the innovative technology required a bold contrast in colour and scale. The logo embodies the technology, from tree to product.


There are no sales or commercial metrics available because the Muoto technology and production is in pilot phase, with product production planned to start in 2024. However the new brand identity sets the bar high with a strong global appeal while maintaining clear roots to its origin country. Giving the perfect brand foundation for future development world-wide as the technology and the company continues to grow.

The Muoto Identity work has been recognised in global awards such as winning a Pencil at D&AD Awards 2023.

Muoto brand and visual identity was nominated as the Trademark of the month for September 2022 by The Finnish Patent and Registration Office (PRH).

The Muoto® fibre products received the Quality Innovation Award from Excellence Finland. In the category for potential innovations. Novelty, usability, learning, customer orientation and performance were the competition criteria.