Cannes Lions



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Obesity is a giant killer. Close to 1/5th of the world’s obese live in India.No surpise there. For us,fat isn’t bad.We have perhaps the only God in the world who sports a paunch – Lord Ganesha. Who incidentally is also the God of great beginnings.

Nutralite, a healthier butter alternative, decided to start right at the top – with Lord Ganesha.We picked India’s biggest festival, Ganesh Chaturthi to shine a light on the issue.For the first time in 3000 years, we gave Ganesha a six-pack.We created a temporary temple.We gave all Hindu rituals a healthy twist, in a stunt that lasted 11 days. God and religion are very sensitive subjects in India. It was a huge risk. Luckily, God was on our side.The media fell in love with this cuteness. Nutralite earned media 42 times its paid media spends.

Riding on culture, we appointed a celebrity no budgets could afford.


This was India’s first pandal built by a brand and first Ganesha with a 6-pack for the 11 day long festival.We pushed the envelope by giving Hindu rituals, a healthy twist –a pandit (priest) with an 8 pack. The spot where the devotees stand,to offer prayers,was decked with a weighing scale to remind them to pray for good health.We asked devotees to run on a treadmill and donate calories instead of money in a hundi(donation box).A sacrificial box to drop unhealthy habits and additional support with health camps were set up in the vicinity.The devotees usually left with Modaks(sweet dumpling) but we replaced the 196 calories with a sugarfree version.Finally the Visarjan (end of the 11 days of reverence)was led by Zumba dancers which meant donating 95000 calories in the process and creating India’s first workout procession.It became the only pandal in Mumbai that got a clear positioning in Health.


The results dwarfed Nutralite’s ambitions for Mumbai.

1.Spike up conversations on health

a.Featured in The Times Of India, Hindustan Times, DNA, Business Standard, The Hindu, Janmabhoomi and Mid-day as one of the must visit pandals in Mumbai

b.All the leading FM channels featured Nutralite Health Cha Shree Ganesh

c.Health Cha Shree Ganesh was covered by over 17 TV channels

d.Nutralite earned media 42 times its paid media spends

2.Position Nutralite as the healthier table spread

a.Riding on culture, we appointed a celebrity no budgets could afford.

b.We created India’s first mid-year health resolutions moment and completely owned it

c.It will go down in history as the first brand-led temporary temple in India

Health Cha Shree Ganesh is also the only pandal(temporary temple)in Mumbai,that has got a clear positioning –


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