
One Size Fits One - Making oral care accessible for 360 million people.

LANDOR, London / {ACCESS}ORIES / 2023


2 Shortlisted Eurobest
Presentation Image
Case Film
Demo Film






Our innovation team discovered that we spend 113,760 minutes of our lives brushing our teeth. But for the 360 million people living with dexterity challenges worldwide, this activity is a daily pain. Unable to easily brush their teeth using today’s toothbrushes, they’re forced to hack products themselves.

Because when it comes to accessible product design, one size doesn’t fit all.

Different people and conditions require different products to meet their needs – a one size fits one approach.

With typical manufacturing processes that big brands have to follow, this approach is impossible to achieve.

So we started from scratch to find a solution that works now.


We realised that the technology to deliver a one-size-fits-one solution was available, but nobody was using it. So, we charted a new path forward.

Using 3D printing technology, we created {access}ories; adaptive add-ons that can be applied to existing toothbrushes to make them accessible and desirable, today.

This proves it’s possible to create products that are low-cost, hyper-personalised, and without compromise.

To build personalised solutions, we had to get personal. We got to know the challenges of those living with carpal tunnel syndrome, arthritis, and tremors.

Working with this community, we learnt their needs at every stage of oral care experience – from ordering and unboxing, to maintenance and use. By creating an inclusive environment to explore physical and digital prototypes, we learnt where standard designs are failing many.

Through combining these insights and experiences with our new approach to product design, we were able to co-create a transformative solution.


{access}ories is improving oral care globally, transforming the future of accessible design. It solves a problem for the 3.5 million UK adults with dexterity challenges over their lifetime and is leading a revolution in everything from inclusive design to the way we manufacture.

Its launch immediately impacted the accessible community – with a long waiting list to try the products, and press coverage in Stylus, Design Week, Design Taxi, Dezeen and Fast Company.

Following a successful beta-testing phase with the accessibility community, we’re finalising manufacturing and partnerships to expand later this year.

At launch, leading charity Arthritis ACTION said: “this project has great potential for desirable oral care, improving the day-to-day lives of anyone living with arthritis or similar challenges”

To summarise with the words from one of our first makers – “this will make a huge difference.”


{access}ories are adaptive add-ons that can be applied to any electric or manual toothbrush to make it both accessible and desirable. People personalise their handles through an easy-to-use digital platform designed to help people choose a handle shape by relating it to a household object. The platform then collects this data to iterate and refine solutions for all.

With 3 different dimensions across 6 handle shapes, three colours and 568 variants, each tailored to individual needs, the interface accommodates for the many different dexterity challenges through a range of 3D printed solutions manufactured by FDM partners that offer customisation at scale.

By producing them through 3D printing technology and Just-In-Time Production, we’re challenging typical manufacturing processes and skipping the standard 5-year product development cycle to provide essential solutions today by designing on demand.

Built with the users, for the users, this is accessible design without compromise.


{access}ories is improving oral care globally, transforming the future of accessible design. It solves a problem for the 3.5 million UK adults with dexterity challenges over their lifetime and is leading a revolution in everything from inclusive design to the way we manufacture.

Its launch immediately impacted the accessible community – with a long waiting list to try the products, and press coverage in Stylus, Design Week, Design Taxi, Dezeen and Fast Company.

Following a successful beta-testing phase with the accessibility community, we’re finalising manufacturing and partnerships to expand later this year.

At launch, leading charity Arthritis ACTION said: “this project has great potential for desirable oral care, improving the day-to-day lives of anyone living with arthritis or similar challenges”

To summarise with the words from one of our first makers – “this will make a huge