Cannes Lions


PONCE, Buenos Aires / NESTLE / 2019


1 Bronze Cannes Lions
Presentation Image
Case Film






In Argentina, the average consumption is 11 grams of salt per inhabitant per day, when the recommendation of the World Health Organization (WHO) is 5 grams, given that a higher consumption increases the general prevalence of hypertension, which is the main risk factor for heart attacks, strokes and renal and cardiac insufficiency.

Glaciar, the low in sodium water is committed to promoting healthy habits among Argentines.

For the brand, talking about excess sodium is a key point, that is why every year it develops an event during the World Week on Salt Awareness.

This year they sought to redouble the bet by seeking a more tangible idea about the excess of salt. That's how Pinch was born.


In the context of a healthy diet, it is recommended to consume up to 1 gram of added daily salt in meals.

How do we know how much salt we are adding to our meals, if it is impossible to calculate it?

Pinch is a blister of 14 doses containing 500 mg of table salt each, the maximum acceptable dose per meal (lunch and dinner), according to the Argentine Society of Cardiology.

Following the logic of a medical blister, we created a blister containing table salt.

Thus, we achieved awareness using an already existing resource and already validated by the medical community.

That made the message that Pinch is a the best remedy against the excess use of salt was very easy to understand.


There are already many ideas around the consumption of salt. However, most ideas never treat the problem for what it is: a medical problem. Not only do we have to achieve awareness, we also have to help. Help in a didactic, responsible way and treating the problem with the seriousness that a cardiologist would treat. It is not enough that the idea is beautiful and has repercussion. In addition to that you have to treat the problem with the seriousness that the problem needs.


Following all the sanitary processes and taking as a starting point a medical blister, we fill the contents of each bubble of the blister with fine salt. Exactly with 500 mg of salt. Thus being able to emphasize "remedy" and be very easy to use.


Pinch helped to drive consumer awareness not only of Glaciar, the main low-salt water brand in Argentina, but also of it’s brand purpose to raise awareness of healthy lifestyles by consuming less salt. After the event during the International Salt Day, the traffic to the IG account (Glaciar’s main hub) rose to +310%. With the content made in the event by influencers who were given Pinch samples and who experienced health and wellness talks, we even managed to turn that awareness into engagement, as Glaciar’s followers increased in +72%. The estimated reach of the whole campaign was more than +3.1M, with $1.5M in earned media, considering news channels, news articles and non-paid influencers who jumped in.

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