Cannes Lions




2 Gold Cannes Lions
1 Bronze Cannes Lions
1 Shortlisted Cannes Lions
Case Film
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Scallop fishing is an essential industry for the region, with exports rising 42.4% Y-Y to Approx 700M USD. However, discarded shells result in approximately 40,000 metric tons of waste, per annum. Prior to 2021, discarded shells were exported overseas, but export agreements were discontinued forcing large quantities of shells to be dumped and left to disintegrate into the shoreline.

Experts voiced urgent concern to find an alternative solution as a consequent was a foul intrusive stench and groundwater contamination due to the release of heavy metals.

The objectives:

1. Restore the reputation of Sarufutsu Village, which had lost public trust.

2. Transform scallop shell marine waste into a sustainable environmentally friendly output.

NOTE: This project was voluntarily proposed to Sarufutsu Village. The agency developed the brief, managing the entire process from idea development to design to launch, distribution, with a PR media budget of $0.


Discarded shell marine-waste transformed into an eco-friendly helmet

"SHELLMET," the world's first helmet made from scallop shells was born; "Shells have protected themselves from external enemies, and are now protecting human lives.”

Inspired by the original purpose of the shell; to protect itself from foreign enemies, and reminding ourselves of the intensity in which Japan is struck by natural disasters, heightening the country’s reliance on emergency supplies such as helmets.

Shellmet is made of 100% recycled materials from crushed discarded shells, reducing CO2 emissions by up to 36% compared to plastic.

Furthermore, shells surviving the harsh natural world, exhibit structures of high strength.

Shellmet’s design incorporates a ribbed structure unique to seashells, based on the idea of biomimicry, which takes inspiration from the natural world and applies it to technological development. We succeeded in producing a helmet with 133% more strength than a typical helmet, with less material.


Shells protecting themselves have the strength and ability to protect humans.

"Protecting our heads and our Planet."

Through partnerships, product and press we restored and elevated Sarufutsu Village’s reputation.

- Partnering with a company established in creating new materials from shells, with a shared belief in the product “protect(ing) the environment and humans”.

- Jointly developing materials with Osaka University and Hokkaido University further enhancing product credibility.

- Our campaign, first breaking in Japan, launched at a time of high interest in helmets due mandatory bicycle helmet wearing laws being enforced.

- Following a positive media response, the product was introduced to general companies and large-scale events to create fans of Sarufutsu Village's specialty products.


An innovative solution with minimal environmental impact, but enormous value to managing 40,000 tons of discarded shells; the more SHELLMET is produced, the less discarded shells and potential contamination will exist.


In a world awash with upcycled products, we emphasized design in order to differentiate the product with newsworthiness.

There are many structures in nature that have been optimized over a long period of time, and the application of these structures to technological development is called "Biomimicry,". SHELLMET is based on this concept and incorporates a ribbed structure unique to shells. Given this, in the Von Mises Stress Test, it succeeded in yielding 133% more strength than regular helmets.

On December 14, 2022, SHELLMET was announced as a specialty product of Sarufutsu Village and sold worldwide. Because of its design and the timing of the announcement of the law change that would increase interest in helmets, the domestic media all reported on the product. The major buzz it created in Japan led to major international media outlets such as Fast Company and Guardian, raising the profile of Sarufutsu Village's sustainable community.


Since launch, it has gained exposure in 735 media outlets in 34 countries with an estimated reach of 3.2 billion people. It has spread throughout Japan, not only among fishermen, but also cyclists, street sports, and builders. In the first two months, the company recorded 1,397% ($37,000+) of its sales target. Already in the first year, more than 24 tons of discarded shells are expected to be recycled.

Offers are pouring in from companies around the world, and projects are underway with more than 16 global brands, including Shell. Besides, the innovation created from discarded shells was highly evaluated, and adopted as the official disaster prevention helmet for the sustainability-themed 2025 Osaka Expo. It has also been exhibited overseas at MAAT in Portugal.

SHELLMET has not only helped Sarufutsu Village with its environmental problem, but has also become a new source of income.

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