Cannes Lions

The Longest less skipped pre-roll


Presentation Image
Case Film






Communication in automotive segment in Colombia is extremely competitive, brands spend tons of money reaching their target, but traditional media formats are losing power and budgets are getting lower.

The brief was to come up with a non-standard and cost-efficient solution in order to show every detail of Chevrolet Spark GT, using as excuse one of the most awaited event for our target, The Festival Estéreo Picnic, the Colombian version of Lollapalooza.

The objectives were to increase car awareness, engage owners’ community, uplift car’s equipment perception and give away 25 tickets for the music festival.


The ‘Longest Less Skipped Ad Pre-Roll: Demos of Chevrolet Spark GT of a trip from Bogota to the Estereopicnic. Colombian version of lollapalooza. On the road trip, people could get tickets for the festival, if they were the first who find the hidden codes. While they looked for the codes, they got into the car, they stopped the video and they zoomed, not only on the road trip but also, on every detail of our Spark GT.


The main target audience of the campaign were drivers of compact cars, those who are highly looking for new experiences, technology, always interested in gather with their friends on social media and in real life.

And guess what, more than 40.000 people were expected to assist to the Festival Estéreo Picnic and 45% of them were our potential target. So, if people do whatever it takes to get a free ticket, why not ask them to get into our car for more than 15 minutes to experiment the most enjoyable driving experience?

By turning a conventional media format into a fun way to get to the festival, we found the perfect excuse to get our target into Chevrolet Spark GT.


The pre-rolls were promoted on Youtube for three day. And only creating contents on Chevrolet social media pages, people started to looking for the pre-rolls on Youtube. Also, when the ads run, people talked about our activity in real time in their own social media platforms. Influencers invited people to participate in our road trip.

When people found the codes, they must send it us in a direct message on Instagram. The first person who find the hidden codes got the ticket.

The pre-rolls run on march 22th, 23th, 25th, 2019


Over 428.000 people watched our pre-rolls, all of them organic views, the AVERAGE RETENTION TIME was 5:32 MINUTES, normally is only 4 seconds or less. Our retention times in videos increased 314%, it was the best video of all the history of Chevrolet Colombia.

Only with 25 tickets, the longest less skipped ad pre-rolls beat the KPI with zero media budget.

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