Cannes Lions

The Story Of Skin

CIRCUS, Istanbul / BAYER / 2022

Presentation Image
Case Film
Supporting Content






Atopic skin is a chronic condition characterized by dry, inflamed, and itchy skin patches that could be kept under control with daily usage of specialized skincare products. Even though it’s common in Turkey, 3 out of 4 people have never heard of it. Research showed that people aware of the solution, became regular users in most of the cases. As Turkey’s most trusted skincare brand, we were the rightful solution provider for atopic skin. However, we needed to break through the clutter to reach out to them to grow in the eczema & atopic skincare category with Bepanthol SensiDaily.

The daily struggle caused by an atopic skin condition creates anxiety and affects the quality lives. We needed to create a campaign to raise awareness on both “atopic skin” and the solution we offer with, “Bepanthol SensiDaily”. So, people would not be held back from enjoying their lives.


People see recurring “dryness” and “flare-ups” as insoluble problems, feeling helpless and trapped. Since they didn’t know the necessary skincare routine to apply, they experienced the problems repeatedly.

Breaking this vicious cycle would only be possible via being informed of atopic skin and how to manage it with the proper skincare routine. An even long TV spot would not suffice for such a detailed messaging.

We needed a platform where a detailed story-telling would set the problem and provide a clear solution most engagingly.

Thus, the core of the creative idea was a long-term integration in one of the most popular TV series in Turkey, where Bepanthol SensiDaily was positioned as a proactive solution provider to skin condition-related problems.

We also focused on utilizing the power of authenticity to ensure the sufferers felt understood and were more receptive to our messages.


We needed to drive behavioral change by building an optimistic tone of voice to encourage sufferers to take back control of their lives. In line with the campaign IMC, we needed to educate consumers on their skin type and the proper skincare routine that would free them from recurring skincare issues and their psychological effects.

A native platform was required to establish an emotional bond with consumers, where we convinced them that the conditions they are facing could be taken under control. In Turkey 65% of adults regularly watch at least one TV series and scenarios based on true stories grab much more attention & talkability.

Selecting the correct series and talent was critical to the successful execution of creative strategy, to be able to build a genuine bond with sufferers. Therefore, we collaborated with a famous actress who also had real-life struggle with atopic skin.


We introduced actress "Leyla Feray" in the most-watched TV series based on a true story in a role of a talented painter with an atopic skin condition.

We didn't let the audience know that her condition was also a real-life struggle at first.

In the first three episodes, we established the problem by showing her physical and emotional struggles on different occasions. In the fourth episode, the lead character introduced Leyla to Bepanthol SensiDaily, underlining that her dermatologist recommended it to her for the same symptoms.

The integration scene was followed by a TV ad; where Leyla’s “real-life struggle” was revealed, via a flashback to her childhood and dream of telling her that it’ll all pass.

We held an exhibition called “Skin, Canvas – The Journey of the Skin” as an emotional&enlightening experience for the sufferers.The painting Leyla drew during the episodes has been displayed along with other art pieces.


After the campaign, the monthly sell-out increased by 2.6 times in value, and 2 times in units versus the same period last year. Thus, our atopic skin market share in pharmacy increased by +10.8 points, reaching the highest ever market share of 20.9%. We became the highest-selling product in the "body moisturizers" category on the biggest e-commerce retail customer in Turkey, “Trendyol” for 3 weeks. There was an approximately 6 times increase in "Bepanthol SensiDaily" searches on digital.

After watching the advertisement, the rate of those who thought that their skin conditions could "definitely be taken under control" score was increased by +18 points and reached to 44%, and the proportion of atopic skin sufferer consumers who used Bepanthol SensiDaily was increased by +7 points and reached to 32%.

Finally, 98% of the viewers unaidedly attributed Bepanthol SensiDaily with the TV series and 90% said they would consider buying.

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