Cannes Lions


TBWA\GGT, London / VAUXHALL / 2004

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Our target audience was ‘Independent Thinkers’ - people who could see beyond badges and appreciate quality and cleverness.

Signum would appeal to them on two levels. Firstly, simply as a premium car. And secondly, as an innovative vehicle that challenged the conventions of the sector. We decided to translate the essence of Signum into a mailing. To create a product demonstration in an envelope.High production values gave a premium feel. Appropriately intelligent copy and innovative art direction and production techniques dramatised the ways Signum broke the “rules” of the sector. All in all, a powerful piece of communication.


Results far exceeded expectations.

With prospects drawn from competitor car drivers on the Vauxhall database, plus cold lists which met the driver profile, the overall response rate was 8.95%. Performance against cold data was particularly strong at 4% - four times the industry average.

The results were even more remarkable, given Signum was a totally new premium car that did not fit any established category, produced by a manufacturer without a high profile in the premium sector.To quote the client: “By encapsulating the essence of Signum, the agency produced one of Vauxhall’s most remarkably successful packs in recent memory.

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