
Victoria 285

LEO BURNETT, Madrid / AXA / 2023


1 Silver Eurobest
1 Shortlisted Eurobest
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Axa, as an insurance company, wants to make people live their lives with less risks. Not only the material ones, but all of them. It's part of their corporate social responsibility.

Today, being a woman is still a risk due to gender inequality.

So this campaign aims to make people aware of it, and move all of us to accelerate the changes we still need to make for this not to be a risk anymore.

Axa itself is taking giant steps in this direction, being an example for other companies, but also supporting initiatives, and giving people the tools to do more.


The idea shows a 25 years old woman that reminds us some of the women´s and society´s achievements in the last 100 years towards gender equality, marking how many years have past since each of them was achieved. But then, she starts to explain how many years we still need to get to some other achievements, and as she mentions each of them, she gets older. All this happens in the same take with no cuts. When we think she can't get older she keeps aging, showing us that it will take longer than we think, getting until she is 285 years old. The "innovation" is imagining how a 285 year old woman would look like and seeing her aging slowly until then, to prove how much time we still have to wait to live in an equal world if we keep moving forward society at the current pace.


To translate this data into human aging we used a mix of techniques. We started from references of the oldest people in the world to train the AI. But it had a limit, so the following step was again a mix of techniques and medical references of what happens to our bodies as we age, to train the AI in a different way, while we interpreted the results with a human perspective since so far it is scientifically impossible to age that much.

The goal was to translate and visualize this data in a way that would make people feel how much time they would have to live, to live in an equal world, and how inhuman it is to wait for so long.

This also allowed us to make people work against this data and predictions, making things go faster, so this can happen sooner than that.


The film aired on the 26th of september on Youtube and Instagram.

Paid media and influencers helped spread it, but it was mainly regular people who made it a success. The fact that it aired just one month after Women's World Cup Final, in which the president of the Spanish Football Federation kissed one of the players in her mouth with no consent at all, was also a key factor that made this film the perfect example of why we can't be satisfied with what has been achieved and really need to keep on working on gender equality and educating about it.


-1.7M views on Youtube and 2M in total considering every media. (40% of the views on Youtube coming from whatsapp)

The fact that it aired just one month after Women's World Cup Final, in which the president of the Spanish Football Federation kissed one of the players in her mouth with no consent at all, was also a key factor that made this film the perfect example of why we can't be satisfied with what has been achieved and really need to keep on working on gender equality and educating about it.

For the brand, the positive sentiment was almost 82%. The brand social channels became a point to discuss the need for more actions and people reminded each other why it is so important to accelerate our pace if we want to get to a fully gender equal world already in this generation.

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