Integrated > Integrated



CampaignCampaignLayout(opens in a new tab)
Case Film
Supporting Images
Supporting Content




Why is this work relevant for Integrated?

This work falls into the integrated category because it was deployed across the primary traditional media channels to reach the largest possible target audience. Each media channel played a significant role in amplifying our message, contributing to the creation of a cohesive and recognizable campaign.


The Blood Centre of North Estonia Medical Centre needed more blood donors.

However, our client's objective wasn't to immediately increase blood donations, but rather to raise awareness. This is because blood banks have a limited capacity for storage.

The bigger goal was to emphasize that blood is an essential, life-saving need for blood cancer patients, without which they cannot survive.

The campaign required a tone that was both inviting and engaging. We intentionally avoided overly emotional or graphic imagery and messaging.

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Our work's universal and international appeal played a key role in reaching a wide audience. The message, visuals, and content connect with people from all backgrounds and cultures. This inclusivity is vital, because this disease affects everyone regardless of race, age, or nationality.

We chose this approach also because people tend to focus on offers that personally benefit them. Charity campaigns compete for attention, leading to so-called 'advertising blindness. So we turned this to our advantage.

Knowing that people are always hunting for bargains, we designed our creative concept to resemble a typical sales offer. However, we added a deeper layer to this. In our fast-paced world, we've grown accustomed to getting everything we deem 'necessary for life' in a matter of minutes. Yet, what truly matters can often be overlooked. For blood cancer patients, donor blood is something they can't simply pick up at a store or order through an app.

Describe the creative idea.

Living in a consumer society, we have become accustomed to getting everything "necessary for life" within just a few minutes. However, in the midst of this convenience, we often overlook what is truly essential. For blood cancer patients, receiving donor blood is not as simple as picking it up from a store or ordering it through an app. In order to shed light on this paradox, we launched a campaign where donor blood was portrayed as everyday commodities.

Our campaign comprised advertisements across various mediums, including outdoor, print, radio, and digital platforms.

Additionally, we set up store refrigerators filled with "donor blood", but to show that essential things aren't always available, we locked them up. Additionally, we handed out alcohol-free beer cans as flyers to promote blood donation and spread the message. This campaign extended over 2 months in multiple stores.

Describe the strategy

Our target audience comprised individuals of all age groups eligible for blood donation from North Estonia. We want to underscore that blood donation is entirely voluntary, and no one has been or will ever be pressured to participate.

Our campaign was implemented through various traditional channels and extended to unconventional locations like stores. The store setting was crucial because our campaign featured items you can buy there.

Describe the execution

We ran our campaign in two stages:

- We launched across digital media, billboards, and radio.

- In the second phase, we set up special branded refrigerators in stores, thanks to our partners from Coca-Cola, Maxima supermarkets, and Põhjala Brewery.

During the second phase, our client also organized PR initiatives to amplify our campaign's reach. This led to extensive coverage, including multiple television mentions.

In the first stage, we focused on areas all across the Northern Estonia.

In the second stage, we installed special refrigerators in Tallinn's three biggest Maxima stores, where they stayed for two months.

List the results

After the campaign aired, Ave Lellep, Head of the North Estonian Blood Center, reassured that Estonian blood stocks will remain stable for an extended period.

In 2023, Estonia proudly joined the ranks of leading European countries in blood donation.

Furthermore, our innovative creative solutions, including cans and refrigerators, garnered significant public interest, receiving widespread praise on social media platforms.

In 2022, we were honored to receive The Clear Message Award from the Institute of the Estonian Language.

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