Creative Strategy > Challenges & Breakthroughs




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Why is this work relevant for Creative Strategy?

The "Designed in Bangladesh, Made in Europe" campaign epitomizes the power of innovative creative strategy. It diverges from the traditional and oft-trodden paths, presenting an unexpected blend of design origins and production ethics. By spotlighting talent from often-sidelined regions and merging it with European craftsmanship, it crafts a compelling narrative that stands out in a saturated market. This strategy underscores the significance of diversity, authenticity, and ethical consciousness in fashion. In doing so, it not only resonates deeply with today's discerning consumers but also paves the way for future strategies that prioritize inclusivity, sustainability, and global collaboration.



The fashion industry has long been criticized for exploiting workers in the Global South. This exploitation boosts the profits of many international brands. Historically, the Global South produces, while design accolades lean towards the Global North.


Ekn Footwear and Bangladeshi designer Rokaiya Ahmed Purna aimed to challenge this narrative. The mission was to highlight talent from overlooked regions and emphasize ethical production. The concept: "Designed in Bangladesh, Made in Europe," reversing conventional industry dynamics.


Spotlight Bangladeshi design talent globally.

Underscore ethical production's importance and European feasibility.

Educate consumers about authenticity and ethical production.

Achieve global reach, alter perceptions, and drive sales for the footwear.

Please provide any cultural context that would help the jury understand any cultural, national or regional nuances applicable to this work e.g. local legislation, cultural norms, a national holiday or religious festival that may have a particular meaning.

Bangladesh, located in South Asia, is renowned for its rich culture, history, and tradition. A vital aspect often overlooked is its significant contribution to the global textile and fashion industry. The garment industry employs millions, predominantly women, facing challenging conditions, low wages, and limited workplace rights.

Beyond the factories, Bangladesh boasts a vibrant cultural heritage of art, music, and design. Its artisans possess skills passed down through generations, from intricate muslin weaving to vibrant rickshaw art. However, this talent often remains confined or overshadowed by mass production narratives.

Culturally, Bangladeshis hold immense pride in their crafts. Celebrations like Pohela Boishakh (Bengali New Year) showcase the nation's design depth. The "Designed in Bangladesh, Made in Europe" campaign tells a story of resilience, creativity, and transformation. It taps into the pride of Bangladeshi artistry, juxtaposed with European ethical production, challenging global fashion narratives and reviving the nation's creative narrative.


The primary challenge the brand faced was the prevailing fashion industry's exploitation and neglect of artisans from the Global South. These regions, while brimming with talent, were traditionally viewed merely as manufacturing hubs, with their design potential overlooked. The brand wanted to change this narrative.

Understanding the client's needs meant diving deep into their core values—ethics, sustainability, and recognition of global talent. The brand aimed to highlight the craftsmanship of Bangladesh and marry it with European ethical production standards. In an industry dominated by fast fashion, this was a bold step towards sustainable and inclusive fashion.

Targeting ethically-conscious consumers, the objective was to not only introduce a product but also convey a potent message—fashion can be ethical, global, and pioneering. The desired outcome? To reshape consumer perceptions, drive sales, and elevate Bangladeshi artisans to an international platform, showcasing their undeniable design prowess.

Insight / Breakthrough Thinking

Navigating the challenge required a strategic dive into both qualitative and quantitative realms. Extensive market research underscored a growing consumer demand for ethically produced and sustainable fashion. Simultaneously, in-depth interviews with artisans in Bangladesh revealed an untapped reservoir of design prowess.

Workshops facilitated collaboration between European production experts and Bangladeshi designers. Data-driven insights indicated a rising consumer consciousness towards sustainability and ethical sourcing, especially among millennials and Gen Z. Cultural audits further enlightened us about Bangladesh's rich textile history and its modern implications.

However, merging two distinct production and design cultures wasn't without challenges. Differences in communication styles and design interpretations initially posed hurdles. Overcoming these required fostering an environment of open dialogue and mutual respect.

The breakthrough moment materialized during a collaborative session: The "Designed in Bangladesh, Made in Europe" concept. This strategy was resonated deeply with our target audience's ethos, bridging the best of both worlds.

Creative Idea

The creative idea, "Designed in Bangladesh, Made in Europe," aimed to upend traditional narratives in the fashion industry. It magnified the design brilliance from an often-overlooked part of the world and married it with Europe's renowned manufacturing excellence. This concept was a bold stance against the exploitation and repression prevalent in the industry.

The strategy was born from the insight that consumers were hungry for ethical, sustainable products without compromising on style and quality. By spotlighting Bangladeshi design prowess and coupling it with European production standards, the campaign was poised to resonate deeply.

In execution, every element, from marketing collateral to the shoe's design, echoed this symbiotic partnership. The designs showcased Bangladeshi aesthetics with European craftsmanship, ensuring the strategy was visibly and tangibly manifest. Every stitch, material choice, and promotional material reflected this confluence, making the strategy's influence on execution palpable and powerful.

Outcome / Results

The "Designed in Bangladesh, Made in Europe" campaign yielded transformative results. Business-wise, it led to a 350% increase in sales. Website activity grew by 70%, and social media interactions skyrocketed by 1600%. This success spurred a 50% rise in ethical fashion partnership inquiries.

This wasn't merely a boost in metrics; it tackled the industry's exploitation issue head-on. Post-campaign, there was a 25% surge in consumer awareness about ethical fashion, reflecting the deep impact on behavior and brand value association.

Rokaiya Ahmed Purna's spotlight, combined with a 650% growth in her social media reach, showcased the campaign's vast cultural influence. More than just enhancing numbers, the approach signaled a shift, reshaping industry norms and setting sustainable fashion benchmarks.

Please tell us about how the work challenged / was different from the brands competitors.

The "Designed in Bangladesh, Made in Europe" initiative was a groundbreaking shift in the saturated fashion market, primarily dominated by large corporations that exploit cheap labor in the Global South. While competitors clung to profit-driven models with opaque supply chains, our strategy boldly flipped the narrative. By prioritizing design talent from Bangladesh and ethical manufacturing in Europe, we transformed the often-overlooked Global South into a hub of innovation and creativity. Our unique positioning as a challenger brand allowed us to take risks, propelling a message of sustainability, ethics, and cross-cultural collaboration. While competitors engaged in superficial sustainability campaigns, we delved deep, showcasing the stories and faces behind the products. This authentic, transparent approach not only distinguished us from the competition but also resonated powerfully with an audience yearning for change, making us a beacon of hope and transformation in a traditionally rigid industry.

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