
Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset





Throughout history, early stereotyping, insufficient opportunities, and gender biases have made it difficult for young women to find their place in a society that is still dominated by men. And its no different in sports: Studies show that an increasing number of young women who enjoyed physical activity as girls end up quitting and disengaging from it in their teenage years. But sport matters: It is key to our physical, emotional, and mental health. It teaches many crucial skills that have a lifelong impact – such as resilience, teamwork, self-confidence, and communication. So let's strengthen young women to face the challenges that made them quit and support them to claim their spot.

Campaign idea

With #ClaimYourSpot, we are encouraging young women to own their rightful place in sport. To spread this message, we are leveraging the tremendous media coverage of the 2024 Olympic Games combined with the strength of the Turkish women's volleyball team, who will wear the hashtag at their first match. In addition, we are launching a social media activation where female athletes and sports influencers share how they claimed their spot in sport. By asking their followers to also share their personal stories on this topic, a large amount of user-generated content will be created, which in turn will serve as the basis for an out-of-home activation in Paris during the competition. By bringing all the content and details of the campaign together in a content hub, we are ensuring that everything – from background, goals, and the inspirational stories –  is summarized at one single platform. 

Through a combination of online and offline strategies we are creating a campaign across different channels that has the power to challenge stereotypes and empower girls to recognize their potential both on and off the field.