Invisible Invincibles

Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset





The Turkish women's national volleyball team,"Sultans of the Net," recently claimed victory in the EuroVolley Women 2023, solidifying their position as the world's top-ranked team. Despite facing challenges, including societal stereotypes and gender biases, the team serves as a powerful symbol of women's empowerment, gender equality, and success, becoming role models for aspiring young girls.

In response to the persistent issues of female sports participation, a proposed campaign seeks to inspire young girls and teens, fostering their involvement in sports and leadership. The primary goal is to encourage equal participation in all aspects of life, with a secondary aim of promoting awareness about gender equality. According to Eurobarometer, 52% of young people drop out of sports between ages 14 and 18. Reasons include finding other interests, performance-related stress, prioritizing studies, and perceived inadequacy, highlighting the need to address these issues to sustain female engagement in sports and combat gender disparities.

Campaign idea

One of the main reasons for the dropout of the new generation of girls from sports is the lack of inspiration from role models, affecting both sports and leadership aspirations. Despite numerous accomplished women in sports, their contributions remain obscure due to insufficient acknowledgment in media coverage, limited sponsorship opportunities, and an absence in sports narratives. The solution lies in providing long lasting visibility and appropriate opportunities for these role models.

Recognizing the impact of animated movies on children's cognitive and behavioral development, a collaboration between Vodafone and Disney+ aims to leverage this medium to address the issue. An animated film featuring the "Sultans of the Net" as mentors to our main heroines is designed to empower young girls. Through this initiative, the goal is to foster a connection between the characters and the aspirations of young female viewers, using the influence of Disney films to communicate life lessons about empowerment, achievement, and the importance of female role models. Ultimately, the film aspires to leave a lasting impression on current and future generations, contributing to a positive shift in perceptions and aspirations for girls in sports and leadership.