
Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset





Using the Turkish women’s volleyball team as role models, we want to increase women's participation in sports. And sometimes all a girl needs to get started or not give up is someone to motivate and support her to stay in the game against all odds.

Campaign idea

By hacking the 2024 Olympics, we'll turn Olympic nets into authentic safety nets that empower women. Partnering with this year's Olympic net provider, we will insert messages from our 'Sultans of the Net' into all Olympic nets. And use them as a medium to inspire young girls watching all around the world.

To get even closer to them, we're taking this movement to social media with the hashtag #SafetyNets. Here, women and athletes can share their stories, advice, and inspiration in this internet-safe space and search for motivation on our open and long-lasting platform of encouragement.

And what about PR? Well, all the photos taken at the games will be part of our campaign. So that part it's done. And since we have all these unforgettable Olympic photos, we’re going to take them into the streets and spread the empowerment everywhere.

So the final question is: Are you ready to hack the Olympics and create a safety net for women in sports?