Sponsors Gap


Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset





There are obvious differences between sponsorships in male and female athletes due to gender inequality.

Women’s sports sponsorships accounts for just 0.4% of all sports sponsorships and a mere 7% of total sports coverage.

Sponsorship gap in women’s sport contributes to gender inequality. Increasing sponsorship for women's sports helps forge an equal playing field. It’s time to empower brands to help us fill the gap.

Our goal is to empower brands to fill sponsorship gap in women’s sport and show their support.

Campaign idea

We will showcase sponsorship gap in women's sports by displaying a gap of logos on the backdrop of press conferences at women's sports competitions.

We will launch a press conference led by Turkish women’s national volleyball team where they’ll talk about the impact of this issue on women's sports and how we can lead a positive change. The backdrop with the logos gap will be placed behind them.

We will take the movement to social media with a validation filter of suitable brands to fill sponsorhip gap in women's sports. Those brand logos that do not yet sponsor any women's sport will be analyzed with image recognition technology and validated with a check. We will ask people to fill in the gap of the filter with the logo and share it by tagging the brand with #FillTheGap.

Lastly, we’ll place MUPIS with a gap in front of the offices and stores of those brands the users have tagged the most. Their logos will fit the gap, empowering them to join the other brands.