Stain in the Record

Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset





So many studies point to menstruation as one of the most important cause of young girls dropping out of sports.

In response to the briefing's request (to encourage young girls to practice sports), we have decided to attack this problem head-on in order to destigmatize menstruation in sports.

The campaign aims to raise awareness, elevate the discussion about menstruation in sports and show young girls around the world that they have references to look up to.

Campaign idea

'Stain in the Record' destigmatizes periods in sports giving it visibility in one of its most important events, the Olympics.

The campaign starts with a PR stunt with 3 players of the Sultans of the Net with the purpose of bringing attention to the issue. We will put in front of everyone the problem that is a barrier for so many young girls.

From there, the players themselves will explain their experience through social networks under the hashtag #MyStainInTheRecord. An action that will reach the field with positive and energetic messages that will help young girls to continue practicing sports.