Sultan Jump

Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset





Since the generation we are addressing, the young girls, is a generation that militates for equal opportunities between the sexes and equal respect, we asked ourselves if for girls sport is what it is for boys: a form of power. We understood that sport is actually a form of empowerment for young girls.

We wanted to offer them not only a simple and integrated move that would truly surprise their rising, but also a way in which they can show their gratitude for all women and gender-discriminated athletes who managed to remain devoted to sport and performance.

Campaign idea

Our goal was to create a social movement with a sports touch that would inspire young girls to take up sports through a symbolic gesture, a tribute to women and other athletes who managed to overcome gender discrimination and perform in their chosen sport.

Sultan Jump will not only be a physical exercise that will unite young girls and empower them, but every time it is performed it will pay tribute to the power of women.

Empower over power. This is what young women need to take up sports.