Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset





To inspire young girls and teens with the players of the Turkish Woman’s Volleyball team and to encourage equal participation in women's sports. Make sport fun again for the young generation. To empower the young generation of women into leadership positions in all aspects of their lives.

Campaign idea

To attract young girls, we need to go for what moves them. What entertains them. Gen Z is a techno-optimistic generation that loves distinctive clothing. They want to stand out rather than fit in. And we want them to enjoy sports from the very beginning, step by step, more and more.

We created THE EQUALIZHERS. Shoes that fit all shapes and sizes. All a young girl needs – the determination to actively wear them. With insole chip they count every step of every girl. Each step equal to the other. The more steps, the more opportunities for the community. Together they have access to an online hub that was created in collaboration with fitness centres, therapists, and other health experts. Every young girl can choose her path she wants to grow.