The Hidden Best

Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset





The challenge set by the Turkish Volleyball Federation was to create an integrated and inspiring campaign that would encourage girls to take part in sporting activities and draw attention to the problems of gender inequality and discrimination.

Campaign idea


Although there are countless exceptional female athletes, the lack of media coverage, representation and other type of public exposure, creates the false impression that there are no female sporting role models - on average, only 5% of all sports content is about women's events. Studies suggest that , for young girls and teenagers, the lack of role models is one of the main reasons for the early withdrawal from sport, as well as a lack of interest in sporting activities.


Unlike female athletes, male athletes are internationally recognized and represented in all formats. To balance the scales, we decided to take advantage of that and created The Hidden Best, a tool that transforms every media featuring famous male athletes in a way to meet an equally inspiring female star.