The Limitless Net

Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset





Create an inspirational integrated campaign with the Turkish women's volleyball team at its core that increases women’s participation in sport.

The primary goal of this campaign is to inspire young girls and teens and encourage equal participation of women not just in sports, but also in leadership and all other aspects of life.

A secondary goal is to raise awareness about gender equality and contribute to ending gender discrimination.

Many girls across Europe drop out sports because no one is there to tell they are good enough. Reducing dropout will take a collective effort and a “one child at a time” attitude. And who better than themselves to encourage each other?

Campaign idea

Making every girl in Europe the link of a common chain to change their sport future from limited to limitless.

How? By creating a collective and expanding net(work) across Europe for girls to encourage them pursue their dreams and motivate each other in sports: The Limitless Net. A ‘safety’ net for girls based on a collaborative platform to rely on and where they can: get inspired, interact with each other, find a sport buddy, or ask for funding. Every link of this net is a girl enrolled in sport somewhere in Europe and makes it stronger.

To launch this net, we use famous female athletes such as Sultans of the Net as ambassadors. But also young sportsgirls because everyone is a key link of it.

As a stunt, we create a volleyball net in which every link is made of shaking hands to be used during The 2024 Women’s European Volleyball Championship and/or during Paris 2024 Olympic Games. Symbolizing unity and collaboration between all European sportsgirls & women.

We incite sportsgirls to reinforce the Limitless Net by posting their own sport pictures using #WeAreLimitless. An empowering and encouraging statement showing that everyone can be a model and inspire other girls.