Unapologetically good

Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset





Turkey’s national female volleyball team is serially winning titles globally, and is already inspiring the young Turkish girls. Despite that, the team is continuously receiving hate from Islamic leaders over gender stereotypes. At the same time, we see that the percentage of girls participating in sports is far less then the boys'. Girls are more often dropping out of sports or not interested in starting it because of the gender bias. Using the Turkey's female volleyball team, we have to inspire girls to participate in sports more.

Campaign idea

We will show young girls that even when someone doesn't approve of you, you can still be a winner. We are ironically apologising to all haters and non-supporters for being the thing that irritates them the most - winners, fearless and capable. We will show that, despite the disapporaval of some, one can be unapologetically good. The campaign is separated in 3 stages - attracting attention to the matter by using an unconventional way to make a statement at the Olympics; emphasizing on the idea by giving more context with visuals after the event; and engaging the target audience by creating a way for them to show off their wins. We are using simple and easy accessible types of media, so that our message could reach more young girls. Our goal is to create change by showing good examples of what is like to be winner.