EarthlyDesire: How EcoTree Made Nature and Carbon Removal Sexy


Young Entry Asset
Young Entry Asset




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While the carbon credit system is an effective tool to combat climate change, its benefits are not apparent to individuals due to lack of tangibility and instant gratification. To address this, we offer individuals who invest in carbon credits an immediate and tangible bonus: exclusive access to Mother Nature's OnlyFans account.

We’ll hire an OnlyFans content creator to publish sensual content made together with nature. Users can opt for monthly subscriptions or make a one-time purchase to receive a piece of content. Nature of the content depends on the investment.

While unconventional, utilizing OnlyFans provides a strategic advantage in reaching our target audience of males aged 25-55. Statistics from OnlyFans reveal that 87% of subscribers are male, 97% are under 55 years old, and 50% fall within the 25-55 age range. This innovative approach bridges the gap between sustainability and personal satisfaction, encouraging wider participation in the carbon credit system.