Cannes Lions


WORK EDITORIAL, London / EDEKA Zentrale AG & Co. KG / 2018







In a memorable Edeka holiday spot, a courageous service robot gently reminds us of our humanity. In a world overrun by computers and devoid of heart, he goes against the system in search of a real Christmas with a real, loving family. We begin seeing a deserted city with high buildings and empty streets. The buildings are in bad shape; rotten, fallen apart, cracked windows. Vegetation has taken over the city - the computers have taken over. Robots inspect the city, to make sure everything goes smoothly. But through all the automation we see remnants of lost civilisation. Humanity has left this place long ago. A nostalgic classic film soon inspires the robot. He begins his search for a real Christmas, making for a journey full of charm, emotion, and awkward bot comedy. The message shows that love and emotion is the charm of Christmas.

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