Cannes Lions
Any music artist earns their living through reproductions, and the various digital platforms pay them an amount of money for each reproduction of their songs. This is why the biggest records use all of their budget and power to make their artists the top artists, the ones who have all of the reproductions and earn all of the money, leaving no room for independent music, and these artists will never make it to the top. One New York judge affirmed this in a 2005 sentence: "the music in the streets sounds because of money, not because of artistic merit."
We created Budx Records, a disc record made to congregate independent artists and hack the music industry in order to find a way to ensure that many, many people are aware of their music.
We created the 30 "Singles.
The big records have all the music on the radio, but not the 30 "radio spots" open for anybody.
The big records have the top 10, top 100, top 1000, but they can not block artists in the 30 "spots for premium users." And in Colombia, 92% of users are not premium. Until now, because with our singles, we put music on the spots they had to listen to.
That is why we changed the typical 3 to 4-minute singles to a new trend of 30 "singles made to enter into those spaces that the big records are not using. This made people discover our new artists' music.
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