Cannes Lions

360° Camera - Dog

BBDO ASIA, Singapore / MERCEDES BENZ / 2016

Presentation Image
Supporting Content
Digital Proof JPG






The camera on the new E-Class gives drivers a full 360° view of the potential dangers around the car. To bring this to life, we showed 360 different views of an impending danger to the vehicle – in this instance, a dog.


To demonstrate how the 360° camera gives a full view of potential road hazards, the execution showcases 360 unique and individually rendered angles of a Dalmatian that can potentially cause an accident if not seen. Each shot was neatly laid out in rows to show the subtle changes from one angle to another. Set against a stark black Mercedes-Benz background template, the poster showed the comprehensive view of the danger.


As the campaign is still on-going, results are still in the process of being tabulated.

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