Cannes Lions

500e Electral Phenomenon


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In Brazil, Tesla is known for launching the concept of electric cars. How can we change this perception? Well, our idea was to make Tesla launch Fiat's first electric car: the classic Fiat 500, now electric. How did we do that? Having a Tesla turbine generating a lightning bolt that ignited the Fiat 500 electric.


To launch the Fiat electric phenomenon, we counted on Tesla’s help. To ignite the Fiat 500 on its launching day in Brazil, the idea was to generate a real lightning bolt using a Tesla turbine. We built a machine that produces discharges of more than 3 million volts that were charged by #releaselightning. Then we put the Fiat 500 electric on top of a building, and we saw a lightning bolt igniting the car. In the end, we thanked Tesla for helping us kick off the Fiat 500 electric


In Brazil, Tesla is almost a synonym for electric cars. Since the brand was the pioneer in producing electric cars worldwide. Our strategy was to play with this fact by having a Tesla turbine generate a lightning bolt that ignited Fiat 500 electric on its kicking off the day. This great event was big enough to create an impact on the car launch that ended up fueling social media chats and finally, we were very grateful to Tesla for the extra energy.


To launch the Fiat electric phenomenon, we relied on Tesla’s support. Yes, we used a real lightning bolt generated by… a Tesla turbine. We built a machine that discharges 3 million volts powered by #releaselightning. Afterward, we asked customers to post thunderbolt pictures with the activation hashtag to accumulate enough power in the turbine to ignite the car. In such a big event, we put 500 electric on top of a building and we saw the Tesla turbine igniting the first Fiat 500 electric.


The #ReleaseTheLightning activation was a big success. More than 3.8k posts with this hashtag were posted on social media. More than enough to accumulate electric energy to turn on the car on the top of the building. In the promotion phase, actions with influencers gathered more than 500k views.

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