Cannes Lions
FCB BRASIL , Sao Paulo / ESTADAO / 2016
During the International Women’s Day, we turned real reports of violence against women into tweets and we posted them every 7 minutes, as they happened.
Using Estadão’s profile on Twitter, we posted a report of violence against women every 7 minutes. The campaign started at 12:00 am on March 8. It was the exact time in which we tweeted our first report: "After a fight, woman is beaten up and has her nose and teeth broken". The second report was at 12:07 am. The third at 12:14 am. And it went on all day long. At the end of 24 hours, we had 205 reports of women that suffered abuse.
For hours, #7minutes1report ranked 1st on Twitter. Views on @Estadao increased 152% on the day of the campaign. The hashtag had 977 million impressions, 30 thousand tweets and 23 thousand retweets. Celebrities, politicians, feminists and women’s right activists spontaneously embraced the cause. Many websites in Brazil published articles talking about the idea, and we got over R$ 2 million in earned media, without spending a cent. And most important: people realized that March 8 is a day to fight for women’s rights and more women felt encouraged to finally share their stories of abuse.
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