Cannes Lions

9 days

DDB , Paris / MONOPRIX / 2021

Presentation Image
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Supporting Images






The Monoprix 9 days allows illustrators of each part of the globe to give their own version of a Monoprix market. Each illustration is built in a 3x3 grid allowing to use a specific part of the illustration for each remaining day of the campaign.

For the first edition, we teamed up with the American Illustrator Ilya Milstein to create an illustration with the thematic “ crazy days of Monop ”.

We have given to Ilya a specific list of the local products that should appear in the final illustration with no other restriction than give his own version of the Market.

It was also really important to be inclusive and show all the variety of people, from all origins, religion and genre depicted in the visual.

Ilya gave us his “Ligne claire” version of the Monoprix, inspired by Belgian classical comics with a modern american touch and vivid colors.

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