Cannes Lions
HEATHWALLACE, Reading / HSBC / 2015
We researched the expat life-cycle and their information needs, from exploring a move abroad, to planning the practicalities and settling in a new country. A narrative was structured into 3 classical acts, helping to break down an expat’s transition:
1) Taking the first step; 2) Settling and exploring; and 3) Offering help and support to others.
Twenty snapshots of the expat experience were chosen to complement the expat-written script. Each was animated into a super-slow motion share-able postcard. The video was then used within the social community to help achieve the original objectives laid out.
• Viewed by 551,471 people on YouTube – Around 200% of plan.
• The most viewed "expat" video out of 159,000 YouTube videos.
• At its peak, the 7th most shared advert in the UK across all industries.
• Advertising cost per view less than half finance industry average at £0.03 vs ‘good’ financial sector benchmark of £0.07-0.09
o Visits to Hub page (last year to EE survey home)
? During YouTube campaign period 11253
? Same period last year 2388
? Uplift YOY % 371.23%
“I’m sharing the video with expat friends all over the world!”
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