Cannes Lions

Actual conversion tracking system

DENTSU INC., Tokyo / DENTSU / 2017

Case Film
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The technology we currently have is capable of detecting how many clicks it gets. This, however, does not reveal if conversion, such as actual purchase, was effected and made by those who clicked or by those who did not. We believe this technology does not properly measure the value of ad investment. Actual CV Tracking System, a brand new system we have created to solve the problem of ad measuring and its effectiveness, distinguish those who clicks and who do not and identifies if the conversation was made by the click or not.


November to January, 2017 Launched beta version in Japan.

May to July, 2017 Planned to release full launch in Japan.

Summer in 2017 Planned to launch overseas (mainly APAC area) and forcasted to sell 300M JPY in 2017, 1B JPY in 2018.


It was carried out with major Japanese advertisers in November, 2016.

PDCA was carried out with ad display indicators and not click indicators, the evaluation was received, and was implemented again in March, 2017.

An open release was planned from May, 2017. However, it is now planned to be introduced after inquiries from more than 10 companies.

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