Cannes Lions

Adopt a Pack


Presentation Image
Case Film






We created a sticker pack where each sticker depicts a pet that needs a new home. The biography of any pet can easily be found by sending its sticker to an @adoptapackbot that will immediately send back its information, photos and advice on right nutrition from Hill’s. Each time a shelter gets a new pet, a new sticker is added, and whenever an animal finds a home, its sticker disappears from the pack.


We visited several shelters managed by the foundation and took expressive photos of the cats and dogs waiting for their forever homes. Each animal got its own sticker in a Telegram sticker pack. A specially created chatbot could tell users more about each sticker pet it was sent. Once the launch of the sticker pack and bot had been announced on social media, the sticker pets started getting adopted - and today we are still replacing adopted stickers with those still waiting. The implementation of this project does not require extensive media investment: any shelter in any part of the world using the Telegram messenger can do it.


300$ media and production budget

9 500 sticker pack installations

36 000 stickers sent

350 000 coverage

more than half of the pets in the pack have already been adopted and replaced

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