Cannes Lions


ROUGE, Paris / ROUGE / 2004

Presentation Image






Instead of buying advertising space in French B to B communications magazines, like many agencies do, Rouge decided to promote itself in the Komosolskaïa Pravda, a daily magazine which is now considered as the 'new Pravda' (the original Pravda launched by Lenin doesn’t exist anymore). We bought 1,000 samples of the K. Pravda and sent them to prospects, clients, journalists and the other agencies, without forgetting to include our best wishes for 2004.


The funny thing: Since the creation of the agency and despite all our efforts, we never had the chance to be mentioned in the French professional media. Thanks to this 'shot', we were elected the most creative agency for our greeting card 2004 by a famous consulting company and obtained an unexpected media coverage: our card was published in the press, shown on TV and we got several interviews and articles about us …including in Strategies. It has been also a major key to be introduced to major companies who loved the approach, such as Eurodisney, Lee Cooper, PMU, DaimlerChrysler. On top of that, we were confirmed on competitions such as Mugler, Coca-Cola or Orange.

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