Cannes Lions


HEIMAT, Berlin / SWISSCOM / 2014

Presentation Image
Case Film
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The campaign puts the spotlight on the SamsungGalaxyS4's unique eye tracking capabilities by building a fun and engaging experience on age-old staring game.

It was specifically created for the launch of the new S4 in Switzerland.

We wanted to draw attention to the S4's impressive new eye tracking capabilities. We launched an experience which turned the feature into a game. In the live event this created a large amount of engagement, with people waiting literally hours for their turn. The events in the video were seen by over 4m viewers.

We used the eye-tracking device for the highly-accurate-tracking feature of the installation. These were integrated with the game-judging solution and a high-definition live stream with a custom-created platform.

The eye-tracking device monitors if anybody is looking at the phone. When it detects someone it automatically starts. During the game the user's only allowed to look away or blink for a very short while. The game logic's handled by custom written software inside the unit. The application also has controls for changing the parameters to adjust for different light conditions.

The custom written application also handles the communication with the phone, showing instagram photos and tweets from online on a custom built app for the campaign. On top of this we also have the progress screen showing the percentage of the current game. This run on a Samsung tablet with a custom app.

Finally the application also controls the printout that the user receives at the end of the game.

The unit also has 3GoPros to record and stream the footage from the location. The GoPros are connected to computers run software for live video encoding.

Beyond the eye-tracking device all technology was created custom for this initiative.

This was so far only used for this campaign.

Not beyond the campaign budget.


This was so far only used for this campaign.

This campaign put the spotlight on the Samsung Galaxy S4's unique eye tracking capabilities by building a fun and engaging experience on the age-old staring game. It should educate the industry that technology and innovation can turn an old media-placement (CLP) into a fully integrated piece of communication that engages people way beyond the usual seconds of attention (in this case hours) both live at the event and online all over Switzerland and the world.

1680 minutes stared at the events

151 000 interactions on the microsite

1,5 million views of the event live stream

4,1 million views, 19,582 likes and 136,180 shares on Youtube

1 in every 3 Swiss people reached.

Featured on the Reddit front page.

Featured on The Huffington Post, Gizmodo, CNN Money, Forbes, Fortune, Business Insider, PSFK, AOL TV News, Adage, RTL TV, FWA, Creativity, Pocket Lint, Mobile review, amongst others.

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