Families in Syria are starving as a result of the civil war. Our brief was to increase awareness and help raise funds to end the famine.
In 2017, the UK spent over £10 billion on takeaway food. This figure is expected to rise to over £11 billion by the year 2021. And no wonder, with takeaway companies increasingly targeting local residents with promotional door drops, offers and menus. It’s an industry that promotes convenience and indulgence, which often leads to food waste. We wanted to make people think twice before picking up the phone to make their next order. So we designed a door drop with the same look and feel, with a promotional offer to entice them. On opening the menu, we asked them to spare a thought for those less fortunate than themselves and, in turn, text a donation to help feed families in Syria.
The Syrian crisis falls victim to one of the oldest clichés in the book: out of sight, out of mind. The biggest challenge for charities is not a nation being out of pocket, but a war out of our sight. We are not a selfish nation, but we are a nation of self-consumed people. We’re so caught up in our own convenient, instagrammable worlds we lose sight of the world’s troubles. Our communications needed these two worlds to collide. A relevant, timely, relatable collision of our instant gratification demands and the real needs of those suffering at the heart of the world’s greatest humanitarian crisis. We needed to show that a small thing to us could make a huge difference to someone less fortunate.
A spoof takeaway menu with an enticing offer on the front to grab people’s attention.
On opening the menu, we reveal our true message and call to action, encouraging people to donate money and help feed starving families in Syria. We posted the menus to 500 homes on 16th April 2018.
We are awaiting results as the mailer has only recently been circulated.