Spikes Asia

Ariel - Laundry lessons for Dads



1 Bronze Spikes Asia
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Case Film
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In a category of 30+ brands and half a billion consumers, Ariel wanted to launch a new Matic Pack and hit sales growth of 30%. The big challenge that lay ahead for Ariel was to beat the Goliath brand Surf Excel by driving highest awareness and superiority.

No matter how successful Indian women are professionally, at home, doing household chores is completely their responsibility.

This age old thinking has been passed on generation to generation, by example since kids grow up watching their mothers do laundry, and fathers watching TV.

The brand challenge was to make one of the most mundane household chores – laundry, a point of conversation and Ariel the conversation starter.

The core task was to help ease the life of consumer – the woman of the household and convince her that Ariel understood her, appreciated her and cared about her as much as about the clothes


Paid media’s role was simple - to ensure that Ariel’s primary target audience of young mothers, who were balancing office and home, and who may or may not be frequent enough Facebook users to catch the latest “viral video”, still had an opportunity to see the communication.

The topic became a conversation starter and a part of daily gossip of Indian woman. Film celebrities and bloggers took the topic far and wide.

While paid advertising reached just over 10 million people, #DadSharetheLoad video got over 50 million views worldwide across all platforms.

We took a great concept and used paid advertising effectively to reach the time-poor Ariel moms and their spouses and made a real difference in their lives.

By using the right Facebook tools of Reach & Frequency and Custom Audiences based on Views, we made every rupee spent on the medium work harder.