Cannes Lions


MUTATO, Sao Paulo / AVON / 2017

Case Film
Supporting Content
Presentation Image
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We decided to test people's prejudice in a very straightforward way: using a heterosexual androgynous couple, that both blurred the traditional lines of male & female and evolved the idea of opposite-sex attraction.

We were deeply inspired by an interpretation of Plato's androgynous myth that says we feel attracted by aspects of ourselves we see reflected in the other person.

This interpretation led us to #AttractMyself, or #EuMeAtraio (in Portuguese).


Our video showed an androgynous couple performing a choreography of intimate connection. At first, people thought they were a same-sex couple - and haters couldn't deal with it, posting homophobic remarks about our campaign. But our models were, actually, a regular straight couple. The dubious interpretation helped us to spark conversations about gender identity, visibility and equality.


We definitely sparked discussions:

More than 9.5 million people impacted

Over 12,000 comments

Over 18,000 shares

77% of positive comments (Facebook + Instagram), even after an initial negative reception

87% of the comments were on topic, showing that people understood Avons point of view

68% increase in Google searches about Attraction fragrance after the launch of our campaign, beating our category competitors for over a month

And we also confirmed the insight that we feel attracted by what we see of ourselves in the other. Proving that the laws of attraction are for everyone, indeed.

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