Cannes Lions
SCHMIDHUBER, Munchen / AUDI / 2016
The 2015 Audi Dealer Event in Barcelona was held at five different locations around Barcelona. The date for the event was 22nd Oktober - 9th November 2015. Audi guests hitch the very first autonomous ride. New Audi products are combined with a fully digital cosmos for the first time.
The Audi Dealer Event » Technology / Humanity
The »Technology / Humanity« concept is based on artificial intelligence. Futuristic, visually tangible breaks in the event design, the world’s first automated driving experience and a show melding reality and virtual reality together underscore the AI concept. Dealers experience the progressive Audi design language at every event location, refining the selected locales in Barcelona with an innovation layer standing for the Audi brand and thus turning every location into an Audi location.
Furthermore, dealers are able to ride autonomously for the first time. On the Castelloli racetrack, an autonomously controlled Audi RS7 took Audi dealers on a dynamic, one-of-a-kind ride. In doing so, the Dealer Event gave retailers a chance to experience the future of mobility. In an innovative brand show, the future of Audi products are melded together with progressive film content for a holistic audio-visual experience.
Best marks in subsequent market research tests. The public portion of the ride with Audi RS7 piloted driving was a social media phenomenon: 1.800 Audi dealers, 128 VIP guests and the football team oft the FC Barcelona drove 2.369 kilometers – without a driver – and generated a social buzz with over 380.000.000 impressions carried by 88 mio. Facebook fans and 16 mio. Twitter followers.
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