Cannes Lions
Emerging evidence has revealed another central player in the mechanism of disease of MS: a rogue B-cell that creates a cascade of inflammatory changes leading to increased disability progression. We likened this cascade to the ripple effect caused by a stone tossed in a lake, a compelling metaphor that conveys the potential for long-term damage. Next, we turned this conceptual metaphor into a powerful, tangible icon and devised an interactive multi-touch table to test congress show attendees’ knowledge of the role of the B-cell in MS. We used 3-D printing to create a “B-cell” and put that B-cell into the hands of physicians to activate their interactive experience by placing it on the plasma surface of the table. The result? Physicians were viscerally engaged and empowered to educate themselves about this critically important find in the fight against MS.
In December 2014, we began to explore a deeper, more engaging presentation of the importance of B cells in MS. We created a digital engagement, collaboratively refining interactivity and animation. Six months later, the B Cells & MS Interactive Table was complete.
In its inactive state, the table displays a shimmering water effect with four separate B cells enhanced with a ripple effect. When active and an item is selected from a main navigation, a large circular window emerges to reveal the core content. The design is simple, inviting, and beautifully advances the B Cells & MS story.
In June 2015 at the EAN neurology congress in Berlin, we went live and the reaction from physicians was immediate. In October 2015, we redeployed the table at the ECTRIMS congress on multiple sclerosis in Barcelona. The table became a centrepiece of both convention booths and a popular stop for congress attendees.
The impact of our efforts can be seen in the increased awareness on the part of neurologists of this crucial aspect of the mechanism of disease of MS. More than 700 physicians per day delved deeper into the relationship of B cells and MS, engaging our interactive table, on average, for more than three and a half minutes per session and gleaning more than 75% of the content. Exploring the role of B cells in MS, a novel way to understand and approach the treatment of MS, has now become an important focus of current research and may yield promising results in the future.
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