Cannes Lions

Baby Scanner


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Demo Film
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Our idea was to surprise customers duing their everyday grocery shop by placing a real baby scanner next to the regular goods scanner found in all supermarkets. For a limited time, upcoming parents could enjoy an unexpected peak of their new baby. Of course, this special moment is universal and so all shoppers could appreciate and enjoy this special moment even if not scanning themselves!


A real baby scanner was placed next to a conventional goods scanner in the SuperBrugsen Matthæusgade in Copenhagen. We invited some upcoming parents to do regular shopping on the day of filming. The women had no idea what to expect, resulting in a film capturing very real reactions and heart-felt emotion. We also set up cameras to capture the reactions of regular shoppers, some of whom also enjoyed a sneak preview of their babies. It was wonderful to capture the pure joy of all the upcoming parents and their families ... plus the reactions (and interactions!) of the general public! We ended up with and a fun and emotional film and some very happy parents. We promoted the stunt on social media for a wider audience to enjoy. Supporting materials around the store and online informed consumers of the exact contents of the baby pack and how to order it.


The stunt caused quite a stir ... over a million people watched the film of the event on facebook (1.27 million when we last looked!), 5400 people shared it and over 24000 people reacted to it. There were also over 3300 comments with a great deal of emoji action, from laughter to tears of joy! The Danish press picked up on the excitement as well, with,, Berlingske Business, Metro Xpress, TV2 and more writing about the unusual idea.

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