Cannes Lions


LEO BURNETT, New Delhi / DABUR / 2002

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To find a low-cost way to build association of backaches with Dabur Back Aid during the launch phase. During the launch, stickers were put at places where people had to bend (which is when those with backaches would be most likely to remember their pain). Milkmen were greeted with stickers stuck on udders as they bent to milk cows. Stickers were put on the bottom of shop shutters, which got read only when someone bent to open the shutter. Most importantly, non traditional media had to be used as the money available was very limited. By allowing creative to be put up in as unexpected a place as a cattle farm, on the very animals themselves, the media team helped us express the term ‘Outdoor’ in a completely refreshing manner.

Once out, this unique creative exercise was talked about in daily newspapers, which gave it even more mileage. Back pain, frankly speaking, can be quite an everyday affair. The task was to present the issue in a completely unexpected manner, one that would have high emotional connect with the person suffering, or even a person who could face a back problem in the future. Moreover, people saw the message at the point when they bent and could actually have been experiencing a pain in the back. Building an immediate relevance for the product.


By allowing creative to be put up in as unexpected a place as a cattle farm, on the very animals themselves, the media team helped us express the term ‘Outdoor’ in a completely refreshing manner.

Once out, this unique creative exercise was talked about in daily newspapers, which gave it even more mileage.

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