Cannes Lions
MEDIACOM, New York / DIAGEO / 2008
The agency’s newly created Entertainment Division executed a two-fold process. Part One: produce an original hour-long television program featuring John Legend concert at Nay’s Hammerstein Ballroom, including behind-the-scenes footage and interviews with Legend, along with artists from his label Homeschool Records. Part Two: secure a distribution channel for the original programming to ensure client ROI by recouping investment costs with media value. The agency chose One Solutions as its primary distribution partner. One Solutions offered a strong fit in terms of target and multimedia offering. The program, “BAILEYS® GET TOGETHER™ with John Legend: The Home School Sessions” debuted in December 2007, with an extended run on cable network TV One. In addition, the program was supported by One Solutions’ African American targeted radio, print and on-line properties. On-line syndication deals for content were also negotiated with, AOL Black Voices and, again offering entertainment content for media value.
Investment in production returned 2 times in media value. Reached over 750,000 viewers. 12 million impressions delivered and peak telecast was 2nd highest rated concert in period among target. Tripled its PR impressions goal. Brand tracking showed increases among target in Baileys' consumption. Research showed significant increase in sponsorship awareness scores.
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