Cannes Lions

Bar for the Indigenous People!


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Case Film
Case Film
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Although the protection act for the Taiwan Indigenous Traditional Intellectual Creations (TITIC) has passed for years, indigenous peoples in Taiwan still faces frequent misuse of their cultural representations. This time, Kirin, which puts great value on Bar’s connections with Taiwan despite its Japanese origin, determined to support one of Taiwan’s most important cultural representative and create shared value with the peoples. The campaign became the first ever commercial cooperation using TITIC in Taiwan, creating positive publicity that greatly benefits the company and brand.


The indigenous peoples is the smallest ethnic group in Taiwan, comprising of merely 2% of Taiwan’s population. This first wave of a three-year campaign aims to promote the TITIC Exclusive Rights and help increase the visibility of the fascinating cultures. The limited edition itself is a presentation of a model of how to appreciate, respect, and gain approval to use the indigenous intellectual creations.


The Selection

1. Men’s skirt from MaTaiAn Tribe (Amis)

2. Ancestral post of JiaPing Tribe (Paiwan)

3. Women’s ceremonial skirt of the Kavalan People

All three representations has already registered for TITIC Exclusive Rights and were chosen to represent three different peoples in three counties, where many indigenous people reside. The choice speaks straight to the TA in the area.

Creating Buzz

With a colonizing history, Japanese companies rarely touches topics of indigenous peoples. But Kirin, as a foreign company, took action to make a friendly gesture and became the first to launch a commercial cooperation using TITIC, helping to promote the exclusive rights and preserve the indigenous cultures.

The Elements

Every element in the campaign was carefully chosen. From the host, performance on the product launch to prizes for promotional event, the campaign was teeming with considerate details that brings indigenous people into the spotlight and attracted positive publicity.


Who: TA

A. Young people: The majority of Bar lovers are young people.

B. Indigenous People: The campaign also targets customers in eastern Taiwan where many indigenous people live in order to show support to the minorities and raise awareness about the intellectual creation rights.

What: the key messege

The campaign stared from a will to give back and grow with the local society, and the goal was kept unchanged: to promote the TITIC exclusive rights and help promote the indigenous cultures. The idea gained great recognition and was even made a model in government discussions.

How: promotion

Celebrities' posts and share on social media, the channel closest to the target audience, successfully made the product go viral online. Famous indigenous singers like Lulu and Rachel Liang and KOLs such as Amis all loved the design and the spirit behind, thus happily shared the messege and helped spread the idea.



1. Men’s skirt from MaTaiAn Tribe (Amis)

2. Ancestral post of JiaPing Tribe (Paiwan)

3. Women’s ceremonial skirt of the Kavalan People

All three representations has already registered for TITIC Exclusive Rights and were chosen to represent three different peoples in three counties, where many indigenous people reside.


Top priority: respect and communication. After the targets were chosen, all tribes arranged meetings. To preserve cultural meanings in details, the three sides went back and forth until the community members all agreed on the designs. The final design also included the logo of TITIC and indigenous expressions of the targets for education.


1. The campaign was praised by legislators in the launch event and attracted 41 media exposures.

2. PR gifts to celebrities gained recognition and attracted 30 posts on social media, further promoting the idea.

3. Indigenous artists were invited to cooperate on the project.


To the brand:

- Taiwan’s first ever commercial cooperation using Indigenous Traditional Intellectual Creations, which is launch by Kirin, a Japanese company.

- Meaningful campaign and press conference, in which the chairman of Kirin performed traditional ceremonies to show respect and sincerity, attracted positive publicity and improved company image. Legislators praised that the campaign created great value in promoting the TITIC Exclusive Rights.

To the consumers:

- Purchase that actually contributes to culture preservation brought sense of achievement.

- Introduction to the exclusive right and Taiwanese indigenous cultures provided valuable knowledge.

- Brought out a sense of identification with the unique culture of Taiwan

To the indigenous peoples:

- Indigenous culture became more noticeable in the society.

- Encouraged to know more about and support their own culture.

- Revenue contributed to mutual foundations preserving and promoting TITIC.

- Media promotion brought out positive publicity on the subject.