Cannes Lions



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Bell is the largest meat brand in Switzerland. In Spring of 2009, they needed to revamp their campaign for their BBQ line of products. The previous campaign had reflected an idealized, polished world of grilling, which was not representative of the way people grill in Switzerland.

94% of Swiss households grill. Swiss men consider themselves expert grillers, true masters of an art. Furthermore, grilling is a cult-like world of heirarchy, with its own rules and a secret language. The person that grills is in charge and commands respect from the people he is feeding. No one but the grill master can determine when the meat is done and ready to serve. Our traditional campaign highlighted the unique interactions that happen only around the grill.To satisfy a request for direct, promotional communication, we created an iPhone application that could reflect the interactive nature of the grill. With this application, grill masters all over Switzerland can access a Bell-branded grill anytime anywhere. We utilised social media platforms like blogs, Facebook and Twitter to transport the application.


The application was announced on two popular blogs in one initial push. From there, it was picked up and featured by other blogs, Facebook and Twitter users. It was also covered in unpaid, traditional media, including a mention in Switzerland’s largest newspaper as one of the "Top 30" applications for 2009. It was also featured in Swiss musician, Ian Constable’s music video "Hippiekacke". Our target ultimately distributed it for us.


After the initial PR-push on two popular blogs, the application was communicated in a viral manner through word-of-mouth and buzz activity on blogs, Facebook and Twitter.

The application became the 2nd most downloaded application in Switzerland in the iTunes store.It was the only marketing application featured in Switzerland’s largest newspaper in its review of the "Top 30" applications, thus receiving high journalistic acclaim.

In 2009, Bell saw an 11% increase in meat sales.

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