Dubai Lynx

Beard Bibs

VMLY&R, Dubai / GENERAL MILLS / 2020


2 Shortlisted Dubai Lynx
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A majority of men in the middle east have beards. Beards are an important part of culture in the region and men invest time and money to take care of their facial hair.

Our research showed men with beards had stopped visiting our ice cream parlors. Because eating ice cream was messy and embarrassing. Some men even believed that it was bad for their beards and would ruin them.

Haagen Dazs wanted to help men rediscover the joy of eating ice cream and bring them back to their ice cream parlour.


We created beard bibs-beard covers for ice cream lovers.

The beard bibs were made from Tyvek, a material that is moisture resistant and hard to tear. They provided protection for facial hair from the mess of ice creams. The beard bibs were a part of a poster campaign that ran in our ice cream parlours. The bibs were easy to tear and easy to wear, allowing men to easily slip them on and enjoy eating their ice creams.


Looking at famous beards from history we created posters with the illustrations of beard tales. We designed 6 different beard bibs, created by 6 different illustrators. Each depicting grooming tales from different cultures and eras covering Cavemen, Confucius, the Pharaohs, the Assyrians, Vikings and a Sadhu. The beard bibs were a part of poster campaign that was created specifically to run in stores. It was deployed in Haagen Dazs ice cream parlours and kiosks the UAE.

The bibs were ‘easy to tear, easy to wear’ meaning they were easily accessible and there was no fuss when men had to put them on. The bibs were designed using Tyvek, a material that is moisture resistant and highly resistant to tears and rips. This ensured that the posters would not get destroyed or absorb ice cream.


Our objective was to bring men back to our ice cream stores…specifically men with beards. We wanted to help them rediscover the joy of eating Haagen Dazs ice cream and we didn’t just find a unique solution, we stayed true to the Haagen Dazs ethos of creating Extraordinary Moments for everyone. The bibs were an instant hit and were shared across social media. But most importantly this fun instore brand experience helped in increasing footfall by 67% making a real impact with our customer base, helping increase brand love too.

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