Cannes Lions
CREATORS MEDIA, INC., Los Angeles / HULU / 2017
We partnered with Sofar Sounds to host a series of ten intimate concerts around the country to celebrate the music of the Beatles, sharing their stories and personal covers. This offline component to the campaign was to remind fans all over the US of The Beatles impact in a way that was authentic and not overproduced. Finally we launched their stories on our vast social network and called our fans to action - including Sting.
The core inspiration was to ignite fans by inviting them to participate in the campaign by submitting their personal stories about the Beatles and the effect that they had on their lives. We then chose the best stories to be turned into a custom content series, including shareable social videos and a custom fanzine, which was also printed and given out at a blow out concert celebration at the El Rey theater in Los Angeles.
To go along with Hulu’s 8-day countdown, where they released a new clip from the film each day leading up to the release, Movie Pilot hosted an 8-day countdown on Facebook Live, where we took viewers behind the scenes of planning our blowout El Rey concert. 70+ musicians of all ages performed special renditions of Beatles cover songs on three stages. We enlisted our music friends to produce a 3 hour show of nonstop Beatles music, featuring a marching band, a youth choir, a brass band, and top recording musicians who have played with Paul McCartney, David Bowie, Sting, and countless others. During the first hour of the show, Movie Pilot hosted a Beatles Confession Booth on Facebook Live, where participating bands and fans both shared their personal Beatles stories. After 8pm, the Beatles Booth turned into a Gif booth, where attendees could take and share photos to their socials.
- 23 videos published
- 112 Social Posts
- 2.7M video views
- 15M in Facebook Reach
- 1K attendees at intimate concert series
- 1K attendees at El Rey finale concert
- 1.75% more live engagement than our standard content
- 106K Facebook Engagements
- 400K Live Facebook Views
The Beatles Eight Days a Week remains the most streamed documentary on Hulu’s platform. It’s success is widely attributed to the awareness and revival of Beatlemania created by the nuances of this campaign.
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